3rd International Vestel Manisa Half Marathon Date Change

3rd International Vestel Manisa Half Marathon Date Change

3rd International Vestel Manisa Half Marathon Date Change

Dear Participants,

As one of the leading supporters of sports in Turkey, we, Vestel, are excited to announce the third Vestel Manisa Half Marathon, organized in collaboration with the Manisa Metropolitan Municipality. However, due to the KPSS exam scheduled for the same day, we have decided to postpone the event to avoid any inconvenience caused by traffic restrictions on September 15th.

The third International Vestel Manisa Half Marathon will now take place on October 19-20.

We hope our participants, who have already registered, will join us on the new date. However, we will offer a 100% refund to those who cannot attend on the rescheduled date. Participants who wish to request a refund can do so by emailing yaris@maceraakademisi.com by July 25, 2024.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused by this date change and thank you for your understanding. We look forward to seeing you at the Vestel Manisa Half Marathon in Manisa on October 19-20.

Sincerely, Vestel