Before the Vestel Manisa International Half Marathon: A Talk at Vestel City - 'Everything Starts with a Single Step!

Before the Vestel Manisa International Half Marathon: A Talk at Vestel City - 'Everything Starts with a Single Step!

Before the Vestel Manisa International Half Marathon: A Talk at Vestel City - 'Everything Starts with a Single Step!

In collaboration with Vestel and Manisa Metropolitan Municipality, a talk on health was held at Vestel City by Dr. Ogün Köyağasıoğlu, leading up to the third Vestel Manisa International Half Marathon. This event brought together our employees who will participate in the marathon, addressing key health and sports topics while offering various health tips to the participants.

During the talk, important recommendations were shared regarding pre-sport health checkups, precautions for individuals in risk groups, injury prevention methods, and advice on nutrition and hydration before, during, and after the race. Emphasis was placed on the long-term positive effects of regular physical activity on health, and ways to lead a healthier life through sports were discussed.

Accompanied by healthy snacks and beverages, the talk strengthened interaction through questions from the participants, providing an enjoyable learning experience.