Vestel Manisa
Half Marathon

2024 Vestel Manisa Half Marathon

Join us for October 20th, 2024. 

Vestel'den Beyaz Eşya Show!

Teknoloji, tasarım beyaz eşyada ihtiyacınız olan her şeyi Vestel yapmış, şov yapmış.

International Vestel Manisa Half Marathon

This was the count down for 2nd. Let's experience the excitement of the 3rd International Vestel Manisa Half Marathon together!  visit www.vestelmanisayarimaratonu.com to register.



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The International Vestel Manisa Half Marathon will be held in a festival atmosphere.

The International Vestel Manisa Half Marathon will be held in a festival atmosphere.

In collaboration with Vestel and the Manisa Metropolitan Municipality, efforts have been initiated to promote the International Vestel Manisa Half Marathon, which will be held for the third time this ..
3rd International Vestel Manisa Half Marathon Date Change

3rd International Vestel Manisa Half Marathon Date Change

Dear Participants,As one of the leading supporters of sports in Turkey, we, Vestel, are excited to announce the third Vestel Manisa Half Marathon, organized in collaboration with the Manisa Metropolit..

10 Mayıs ‘Sağlık İçin Hareket Et Günü’nde’ Manisa İl Sağlık Müdürlüğü, Vestel işbirliği ile 20 Ekim Uluslararası Vestel Manisa Yarı Maratonu öncesi, maraton etkinlikleri dâhilinde, sağlık ve hareket d..